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Selectboard 2/3/25

  • Monday, February 3, 2025
    PM – 9 PM



Selectboard Minutes 02-03-25 268 KB

Approved on: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Printable version

Selectboard Minutes 02-03-25 268 KB

Web version

Town of Richmond
Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of February 3, 2025

Members Present:  Bard Hill, David Sander, Jay Furr, Lisa Miller

Absent: Adam Wood

Staff Present: Josh Arneson, Town Manager;Duncan Wardwell, Assistant to the Town Manager; Linda Parent, Town Clerk; Tyler Machia, Zoning Administrator; Finance Director Connie Bona.

Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, RHR Smith & Company Heather Hunter and Samantha Ruggles, Kevin Kittinger, Eagle Scout Michael Denis, Chair of the DRB David Sunshine, Trevor Brooks, Catamount Outdoor John Atkinson, June Heston, Bryton Moeller, Caitlin Filkins, Connie van Eeghen, Matt Parisi, Nick, Andrew Bessette, Kristen Werner, Noa, Chelsye’s iPhone, Douglas Thompson, Brendan Filkins, Paige Kaleita, Mary Harrison, Jack Linn.

MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg

Call to Order: 7:00 pm

Welcome by: Sander

Public Comment: None

Additions or Deletions to Agenda: None

Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

Reminder of public hearing on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 7pm for the Cochran Rd. Corridor and Scoping Study exploring traffic calming and bicycle & pedestrian usage on Cochran Rd.

Timestamp: 0:00

People who participated in discussion: Sander

Sander reminded everyone that the meeting is being held in the Town Offices.

Reminder of Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and informational meetings on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at 10 AM and Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM

Timestamp: 0:01

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson

Sander reminded everyone of these informational meetings. Arneson added that the budgets will also be discussed.

Presentation of the FY24 Audit
Timestamp: 0:01

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hunter, Ruggles, Bona, Hill, Miller

Hunter stated that they issued an unmodified or “Clean Opinion” of the Town of Richmond financials for FY24, which is the highest option available, so she congratulated the Town. She recommended reading the management discussion and analysis on page 5, as a synapsis of the report. She described that it’s important to focus on Unrestricted funds, which is what the Town can spend as cash, because Restricted funds have strings attached. She went in depth regarding her audit, a noteworthy finding was that Sewer is not covering its operating expenses, being in the hole around $263,000. To which Hill and Arneson mentioned repairs that have been done and the flooding events in 2024 and the fact that Water and Sewer fall under the Water and Sewer Commission and not the Selectboard. Overall, the General fund debts are being paid off and new debts are not being incurred. Furr asked “we have been borrowing from ourselves, from some of the Reserve funds, and that's money we are committed to paying back, is that reflected in this audit?” To which Arenson replied that it would be in next year’s audit.

There was an overall surplus of just under $300,000, so the Town now has $1.2 million to carry forward into the future. Arneson corrected that due to the July 2024 flood there were $2 million in damages, so there is no money to carry forward and use to reduce the tax increases. Ruggles added that $500,000 from the Highway Dept was used to reduce tax increases previously. Hunter stated that their management letter comments are considered the best practices and of which there were two comments; one was related to stale checks older than 6 months and some capital asset valuations were not accurate and needed to be reviewed, these two things could streamline things for the Town. Hill suggested adding these comments to a future Agenda. Bona mentioned that some Fire Dept employees fail to cash their checks, which creates some of the stale checks, in addition to tax refunds that are not cashed by some homeowners. Ruggles added that Bona is amazingly easy to work with and “runs a tight ship” in terms of the Town’s financials. Miller extended a thank you to both auditors and Bona.

Review of Second Quarter FY25 Financials
Timestamp: 0:34

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Bona, Hill, Furr

Arneson explained in terms of the General fund (which is all the departments except for Highway) that Police salaries are below budget. Some contract service invoices have not yet been received, but we're still under budget for the department, even with those still needing to come in. ARPA funds were transferred into the General fund in August and then transferred out to the Special Project Reserve fund in November. We transferred in just under $1 million in August, and then about $750,000 went back out of the General fund into the Special Products Reserve fund. The Fire Department is over budget regarding salaries. The Highway Department is about where it expects to be even with extra plowing that has been happening recently.

Announcement of the placement of the Eagle Scout Project: Flag Deposit Box at the Town Center and consideration of donating excess project funds

Timestamp: 0:37

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Denis, Parent

Denis dropped off the Flag box last week, it is placed outside the Zoning Office. He has ordered a small plaque to mount onto it. There is currently $65.74 excess funding, which should go back to the beneficiary. Denis suggested using the funds to put explanatory signage on the box with a QR code. Sander asked if Denis could present the Selectboard with a budget for this better signage. Parent asked if it was okay to post on Front Porch Forum that the box was placed there, to which Denis eagerly said yes! He is from Troop 692.

Consideration of making an appointment to the Planning Commission
Timestamp: 0:43

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Miller, Moeller, Hill

Moeller provided an introduction, mentioning having moved to Richmond last year, currently living on Johnny Brook Road.  Moeller is trying to put down roots in Vermont and is starting by running for the Planning Commission; Moeller has some background in engagement of diverse kinds of community and in collaborative problem solving. Moeller is studying for a master’s degree at UVM. Miller asked where Moeller lived before, to which Moeller replied Norwich, VT and growing up in California. Hill asked if Moeller would be available to attend all the Planning Commission meetings, to which the reply was a resounding yes.

Hill moved to appoint Bryton Moeller to the vacant seat on the Planning Commission which has a term ending in 2028. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Sander, Furr, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Update on resignation of Lake Iroquois Recreation District Representative
Timestamp: 0:48

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Linn

Linn explained that Lake Iroquois Recreation District needs a new representative and the first Monday in March is the next meeting. The responsibilities are the beach and the 150 acres of recreation trails on the other side of the road. Arneson will post on Front Porch Forum that a new representative is needed. Interested parties should reach out to Linn.

Discussion of transition of duties from current Town Clerk to newly elected Town Clerk
Timestamp:  0:53

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Parent, Sunshine, Hill, Furr, Heston

Parent stated that since she is retiring, she is officially done with her Town Clerk duties at 7 p.m. on Town Meeting day and she wants advice from the Selectboard with regards to training or handing over current duties to the newly elected Town Clerk. She added that it takes about 2 weeks to complete an election. Furr wondered if an open-ended arrangement should be agreed upon, to which Parent countered she feels the training period should last until the end of March. Hill said it’s important to allow the new Town Clerk to decide how much training is needed, be it one week or three. Arneson suggested extending Parent’s contract for two weeks. Sunshine thinks it’s commendable that Parent is willing to stay on and help the new Town Clerk. The current Assistant Town Clerk Adriana will stay on as an Assistant if the new Town Clerk appoints her. Arneson said he would put together a contract and bring it to the Feb 18th Selectboard meeting. Heston suggested reaching out to the two candidates that are on the ballot to ask how long it will take before they can start in their official role as the new Town Clerk if elected.

Consideration of approval of Spring Launch Gravel Ride
Timestamp:  1:03

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Atkinson, Miller, Hill, Furr

Atkinson explained that on April 12th they are hoping to have their Spring Launch Party and Gravel Ride that will start and end at the Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston. He described that a police escort will end at Kenyon Road, then gravel roads will be used after that around Richmond and Hinesburg. They will have volunteers at all intersections for safety reasons. There is a 20-mile loop and 50-mile loop. This is not a race, just a ride and a fundraiser for the Outdoor Center. They are not asking for any road closures. He estimates around 100-150 participants. The weather date is 2 weeks later. Miller asked about the Police escort on Route 2, to which he replied that the Police will set the speed for the first 20 minutes of the ride. He has asked Williston Police and has not received a reply yet. Furr suggested waiting until the police presence was secured.

Furr moved to approve the use of Richmond Roads as presented for the Spring Launch Gravel Ride conditional on police presence. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Furr, Sander, Miller, Hill in favor. Motion approved.

Discussion of complaint of ethics violation
Timestamp:  1:12

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill, Holt, Miller, Parisi, Machia, Filkins, Chelsye, Furr

Hill asked if there was a reason not to have this as a public discussion, to which no one objected. Arneson explained that this stems from the Dec. 11th, 2024 Development Review Board (DRB) meeting, where Matt Parisi is accused of having a conflict of interest and should have recused himself from the meeting. Bradley Holt is the complainant. It has been claimed that the DRB meeting minutes did not reflect Parisi’s wish to purchase a lot from the condo association, which would be a conflict of interest since he is on the DRB, but Arneson has gone back and checked the video, and the minutes appear to be correct. Holt stated that in the video Parisi said he wants to purchase a boundary line adjustment, yet in the minutes it states he is going to purchase the lot that's created through the subdivision, which he believes is an important distinction. Holt feels Parisi should have recused himself. Hill wanted clarification as to what Article in the DRB Holt was referring to specifically, 3 or 4. Holt feels that Parisi becoming a landowner while on the DRB is a conflict of interest. Miller asked for clarification as to what outcomes Holt wishes for his complaint. Holt was unable to answer.

Parisi defended himself by stating that he had no part in the application that the condo association submitted; he feels the condo association should be invited into this conversation. Parisi continued that the purchase of this land has only been spoken about and is not in a contract yet, it has simply been a verbal conversation of interest. Machia read aloud the definitions of the Code of Ethics and what constitutes an official act, a quasi-judicial proceeding, and a conflict of interest. He stated that a “sketch plan review” (which is what this meeting was) is not biding, advisory only, not appealable to environmental court, no discretionary judgment is made, no official act has been taken. Therefore, there was no conflict of interest.

Furr displayed on the screen a summary published by the Vermont State Ethics Commission of the new Vermont Municipal Code of Ethics, which supersedes our Town policy, he feels strongly that anybody who is in the public eye and is voted for and has the public’s trust needs to avoid even the appearance of ethical impropriety. Hill added that there is a connection about what you're sharing there, and the full language in Article One, which reads, “a signatory shall not participate in any official act or action, if he or she has a conflict of interest, whether real or perceived.” Sunshine mentioned that the summary shown by Furr came into effect on January 1, 2025, and it’s important to keep in mind what was effect at the time of this complaint which was in December 2024. He continued that a sketch plan is an informal discussion, it’s not an official meeting, thus he does not feel there was a conflict of interest. Furr disagreed. Machia added what is the importance of ethics, “what are we holding people accountable to, a sketch plan is not an official act, thus there is no conflict of interest.” Miller thinks what is being discussed needs to be laid out clearly. Hill agreed with Machia that no official judgement was brought forward, so no conflict of interest took place.

The new Municipal Code of Ethics is different, moving forward this needs to change to an “appearance of conflict of interest.” Sunshine reiterated that the DRB is a lay board in Richmond. Filkins said we are a small Town and in the interest of wanting to develop more housing, this is not what constitutes an ethics violation. Chelsye believes Holt is being vilified for raising this concern and that his claim is legitimate. Holt countered that there seems to be a lot of confusion about what an ethical standard is and should be, he suggests putting in writing if a sketch plan is an official act or not. Miller thought that was a good idea, and that this should be discussed with the Ethics Commission. Machia added that sketch plans are voluntary processes and sketch plans don't have written results, so nothing is appealable by any party. Hill explained that you cannot hold people accountable to a statue that didn’t exist at the time, but this complaint could be brought to the Town’s attorney.

Update on moratorium for Emergency Watershed Protection program funds for projects related to the 2024 flooding
Timestamp:  2:13

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson

Arneson explained that there is a moratorium on any new obligations for Emergency Watershed Protection Program funds, which would benefit 8 properties in Richmond. The Secretary of Agriculture has put this moratorium in place.

Follow up on Southview Stormwater Notice of Intent and review of Soils Investigation

Timestamp: 2:16

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Hill, Kaleita

Arneson said the engineering is not complete and the Notice of Intent (NOI) is incomplete. We have received an extension on the 60-day deadline for the NOI, but we do not have all the homeowners on the NOI making it incomplete. We stated in the NOI that we want to separate out Hidden Pines and Mary Drive, which we now have in place and in writing, those neighborhoods will have their own engineering done. Hill mentioned that Richmond put forth a bill that purports to address some of these things as an orphan project, and when he looked at it earlier, it had been assigned a committee but hadn't had any hearings yet. Also, VLCT intends to do a legislative update, since stormwater was not a prominent feature in their last legislative session. Arneson said that the engineers will come to the next Selectboard meeting to give a report. The engineers will complete their scope of work in the Spring. The engineers have not completed their report, so Arneson has not yet gotten a final bill. Kaleita said there's been a lot in the news recently, particularly about the Governor’s address on the clean heat standard, and they want to repeal it, because they don't feel it's right to make some Vermonters pay for all this stuff; something she feels is a parallel to our Stormwater issue and she encourages people to read about it.

Update on DRB approval of the Browns Ct. Site Plan Review

Timestamp: 2:28

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Hill

Arneson said there is now a bid in for the Pickleball courts and the trees that will be planted around the courts, so that is moving forward. Hill wondered if there were any adjoining neighbors at the DRB meeting regarding the pickleball courts, to which Arneson said he didn’t think so.

Update on funding from FEMA for the January 2024 Wind Storm

Timestamp: 2:30

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson

Arneson stated that reimbursement for clean-up from this storm is moving along nicely, having a total cost of $12,000.

Richmond Rescue FY25 Q2 report

Timestamp: 2:31

People who participated in discussion: Sander Hill

Hill mentioned that Richmond Rescue should be considered a private non-profit organization and kudos to them for being so transparent. Next year's funding cycle we could ask people to submit data mid-year and at the end of year.

Consideration of approving project completion forms for the Vermont Bond Bank

Timestamp: 2:33

People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson

Arneson pointed out that these projects have been completed for many years.

Furr moved to approve the Certificates of Project Completion for the Jericho Road Infrastructure bond and the 2005 Fire Truck. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Sander, Miller, Hill in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of holding the second Selectboard meeting in February on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, due to the holiday on Monday, February 17, 2025

Timestamp: 2:35

People who participated in discussion: Sander

Hill moved to hold the second Selectboard meeting in February on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, due to the holiday on Monday, February 17, 2025. Furr seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Sander, Miller, Hill in favor. Motion approved.

Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, Warrants
Timestamp: 2:36


Miller moved to approve the draft Minutes of Selectboard on 01/21/25 as presented. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Furr, Sander in favor. Motion approved.

Motions for Purchase Orders:

Miller moved to approve purchase order number 4916 to Richmond Water Resources for Fire Protection in the amount of $50,681.00. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Hill moved to amend purchase order number 4974 to Simpleroute for IT Services to a total of $23,001.00 noting that the Water Resources Department is responsible for a portion of this purchase order. Furr seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.


Miller moved to approve the Warrants as presented. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

The Town has bought into a Solar Array which will save on future power bills. The solar array is a fixed monthly cost.

Executive Sessions

Furr moved to find that premature public knowledge about an unfair labor practice charge would cause the Town or the person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Furr moved that we enter into executive session to discuss an unfair labor practice charge under the provisions of 1 VSA 313(a)(1)(e) of the Vermont Statutes and to invite Town Manager Josh Arneson into the executive session. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Furr moved that we exit the executive session. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Update on Police Department hiring

Furr moved to find that premature public knowledge about police department hiring would cause the Town or the person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Furr moved that we enter into executive session to discuss police department hiring under the provisions of 1 VSA 313(a)(3) of the Vermont Statutes and to invite Town Manager Josh Arneson into the executive session. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Hill moved that we exit the executive session. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Next Meeting Agenda

Timestamp: 2:43


Charitable foundations form


Furr moved to adjourn. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander in favor. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned at: 10:37 pm

Chat file from Zoom:

00:44:44          Nick:   QR Code

01:24:33          Chelsye's iPhone:        I would like to point out that the timing of this is right after the DRB had already been called out on another ethics issue.

I am concerned with the fact that all of the other DRB members thought this was ok.

He is not only an abutting landowner. He is a developer who had been in previous talks about purchasing land, presumably to further develop his rental property.

01:29:03          Chelsye's iPhone:        The conflict in my opinion is that he is a developer, and as a member of the DRB shouldn’t have been sitting with the board during a sketch plan review in which he has a clear interest which would financially benefit him.

Matt says he was not part of the application, however if you watch back the meeting you will see that he presented the sketch plan proposal, more so than even the condo association did. He is the one that knew all the facts, even back to the history of the condo association and how there was originally a plan for 4 more units.

The fact that you felt it was necessary to go to Tyler ahead of time indicates even you yourself felt that there was a conflict of interest or at the very least could be a perceived conflict of interest.

01:35:02          Chelsye's iPhone:        If there is even a perceived conflict of interest I believe it is the responsibility of the member of the board to handle it transparently. Disclose all possible conflicts and ex parte communications.

Mr. Parisi was also not the one who made the statement that he thought he could act impartially, it was the chair David Sunshine who made the statement that since no decision was being made, that it was fine if he participated, then went ahead to ask if it was ok with the condo association of Mr. Parisi didn’t recuse himself.

The condo association obviously had no problem with it. They said themselves that they were planning to talk further about the sale and subdivision.

01:36:51          Chelsye's iPhone:        Mr. Parisi is the newest member of the DRB. I am just as concerned, if not more concerned over the fact that the other, more experienced members of the DRB believed this to be appropriate.

01:40:40          Chelsye's iPhone:        Sketch plan is informal, and meant to help the applicant have higher success when they gear up to bring their actual preliminary review in front of the DRB. The intended result of the sketch plan is not just for ‘fun’ it is to better prepare applicants and give them a higher success rate.

If the Selectboard watches back the meeting you will see that Mr. Parisi actually knows more about the proposed plan, the ‘unofficial sketch plan’, than the applicant.

It was alarming to be quite honest.

01:42:07          Chelsye's iPhone:        Ethics is to hold people to integrity.

Calling someone out, is not weaponization.

How would there be change if no one spoke up?

Isn’t the act of HOLDING a DRB meeting a quasi judicial act?

02:10:53          Chelsye's iPhone:        Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to progress and unity regarding the topic of ethics among the town employees, boards, and committees.

02:39:01          MMCTV Studio (Richmond):            Is Item O Richmond Rescue FY25 Q2 report moved to another time?

Printable version

Selectboard Meeting Agenda for 2-3-25 79 KB

Web version

Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard                February 3, 2025

Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT. 
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online: 

Join by Phone:  +1 929 205 6099            Meeting ID: 846 1116 4424        Passcode: 304382

7:00 PM    1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM    2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM    3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a)    Reminder of public meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7pm for the Cochran Rd. Corridor and Scoping Study exploring traffic calming and bicycle & pedestrian usage on Cochran Rd. # (5 min)
b)    Reminder of Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 and informational meetings on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10 AM and Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM # (5 min)
c)    Presentation of the FY24 Audit # (20 min)
d)    Review of Second Quarter FY25 Financials # (15 min)
e)    Announcement of the placement of the Eagle Scout Project: Flag Deposit Box at the Town Center and consideration of donating excess project funds* # (5 min)
f)    Consideration of making an appointment to the Planning Commission* # (5 min)
g)    Update on resignation of Lake Iroquois Recreation District Representative (5 min)
h)    Discussion of transition of duties from current Town Clerk to newly elected Town Clerk* # (10 min)
i)    Consideration of approval of Spring Launch Gravel Ride* # (10 min)
j)    Discussion of complaint of ethics violation # (15 min)
k)    Update on moratorium for Emergency Watershed Protection program funds for projects related to the 2024 flooding (5 min)
l)    Follow up on Southview Stormwater Notice of Intent and review of Soils Investigation # (10 min)
m)    Update on DRB approval of the Browns Ct. Site Plan Review # (10 min)
n)    Update on funding from FEMA for the January 2024 Wind Storm # (5 min)
o)    Richmond Rescue FY25 Q2 report # (5 min)
p)    Consideration of approving project completion forms for the Vermont Bond Bank* # (5 min)
q)    Consideration of holding the second Selectboard meeting in February on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 due to the holiday on Monday, February 17, 2025* (5 min)

9:25 PM    4. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, and Warrants*
a)    Minutes of 1/21/25

9:35 PM    5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda 
9:40 PM    6.  Executive Sessions
a)    Update on unfair labor practice charge
b)    Update on Police Department hiring
10:10 PM    7.  Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at    If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email  Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at 
*Denotes Action Item  # Indicates documents in the packet