Selectboard 1/21/25
January 21, 2025
7PM – 9 PM
Approved on: Monday, February 3, 2025
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Town of Richmond
Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of January 21, 2025
Members Present: Bard Hill, Adam Wood, David Sander, Jay Furr
Absent: Lisa Miller
Staff Present: Josh Arneson, Town Manager;Duncan Wardwell, Assistant to the Town Manager; Linda Parent, Town Clerk.
Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, June Heston, Jason Pelletier, Bradley Holt, Director of the Williston Community Justice Center Cristalee, Jeff Forward, Caitlin Filkins, Connie van Eeghen, Brendan Filkins, Sarah Heim, Mary Harrison, Douglas Thompson, Dorian
MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg
Call to Order: 7:02 pm
Welcome by: Sander
Public Comment: None
Additions or Deletions to Agenda: None
Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
Reminder of public hearing on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7pm for the Cochran Rd. Corridor and Scoping Study exploring traffic calming and bicycle & pedestrian usage on Cochran Rd.
Timestamp: 0:01
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Hill
Sander and Hill reminded everyone that the meeting is being held in the Town offices.
Announcement of hiring a police chief and update on police hiring
Timestamp: 0:02
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Cambridge
Arneson stated that Chief Cambridge was hired as the Chief of Police for Richmond after being shared with Hinesburg for the past 18-months. He is now officially hired in the Town he lives in, Richmond. Cambridge thanked everyone for having faith in him and he is excited to get started. Arneson added that there are still a few people in the pipeline for Police Officer positions in Richmond, so he believes those positions will be staffed soon.
Discussion of shared police chief services with Hinesburg
Timestamp: 0:04
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Hill, Wood, Furr, Forward, Cambridge
Arneson elaborated that since Chief Cambridge will be coming on as Chief in mid-Feb, would the Selectboard be willing to flip the contract with Hinesburg and share the Chief with our neighboring Town. Cambridge would become the interim Chief of Police in Hinesburg while being the Chief here in Richmond. Hill reported that he watched the Hinesburg Selectboard meeting and there is an interest from the public for this to happen. Furr concurred. Wood wondered if the Chief’s position in Hinesburg would be moved away from being interim. Hill said that such a joined governance is susceptible to becoming cancelled, which is a concern. Furr wondered if an expiration date for such a contract could be created. Wood is concerned that both Towns become too comfortable with the agreement. Arneson suggested setting up a meeting to discuss long-term goals with Hinesburg. Hill wondered if flipping the contract would work just as well as previously. Wood and Furr offered to go to Hinesburg for a meeting. Forward commended everyone for making such a creative decision for both Towns, his suggestion is to create a joint policy with the Hinesburg Selectboard and the Richmond Selectboard. Cambridge informed that flipping the contract won’t be as easy as initially thought, Hinesburg has more calls daily and a newer & firmer infrastructure, so he isn’t sure how to move forward in order to flip the contract.
Update on Williston Community Justice Center Funding
Timestamp: 0:22
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Cristalee, Furr, Hill, Forward
Arneson elaborated that the grant funding for the Community Justice Centers (CJC) used to be a function of the Department of Corrections. In the last legislative session, the responsibility was transferred to the Attorney General's Office (AGO), but the funding was not transferred. The CJC program was initially grant funded as a pilot program, and with the vision of transferring the funding responsibility to municipalities. Cristalee explained that funding moving forward is the work of this next legislative session. Town managers, Police chiefs and CJC Directors worked together, along with Willa Farrell from the AGO's office to try and come up with a couple of different models that we could examine and potentially move forward with. “Preferably things would stay as they are,” she continued, but currently funding sources are unknown. Furr says that limiting one CJC per county is a poor idea. Cristalee said that the expectation is that municipalities were supposed to provide funding. Hill asked where the expectation came from, because there will be pushback from the public for more funding unless it’s obligated by the State. Forward believes that DOC should have in their mind that the option of incarceration is the most expensive, therefore they should see the CJCs as a valuable asset and good program to support. Hill wonders if this is a discussion best for the Jan 29 Public Safety forum.
Update on status of Notice of Intent for the Southview Stormwater Permit
Timestamp: 0:35
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Hill, Wood, Heim, Filkins, Heston
Arneson received a notice back from the State that the Notice of Intent (NOI) that was submitted was administratively incomplete. Hill asked, “didn’t the lawyer advise us to NOT submit the NOI?” Which Arneson agreed with. Furr noted that in the letter it was stated that the Town cannot legally act on behalf of the homeowners. Wood concurred and said there was no action the Town could take. Arneson thinks the State wants the Town to be the one to organize all the homeowners and submit a complete NOI. Wood said there is no way to solve this because there is no HOA. Heim wanted to know when the grant deadline is, which Arneson said Sept 2025. Heim says she doesn’t want the homeowners to start fighting amongst themselves. Filkins believed that if an NOI were in place the Town would not be responsible, and she wondered if we had spoken to the State engineers that were at the meeting we had with them last fall. Wood thinks we may need to have several solutions running in parallel. Heston thinks the Selectboard should invite our State representatives and senators to a meeting to get some clarity based on the letter the Town got back from the State, because several homeowners are confused, and she thinks the representatives and legislators need to be pressured. Heim said several homeowners have also reached out to representatives and people in the legislature.
Consideration of approving a raffle fundraiser for the Fourth of July celebration
Timestamp: 0:51
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Furr
Arneson said this is the same raffle as last year. Furr said there was a 50/50 and a raffle last year and the 50/50 raffle did not do very well.
Hill moved to approve the raffle fundraiser for the Fourth of July Event with the condition that financial controls for the raffle be approved by the Director of Finance and the Town Manager. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Sander, Wood in favor. Furr abstain. Motion approved.
Consideration of approval of submitting a grant application for the Emergency Watershed Protection program
Timestamp: 0:53
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson
Arneson reminded everyone this is related to rivers and streams that threaten homes or any man-made structures. EWP engineers visited 30 sites last year and 8 were approved for this program. The Town is the grantee and works with the homeowners to get the 25% match they are required to pay prior to construction.
Hill moved to apply for the Emergency Watershed Protection program grant and to appoint Town Manager Josh Arneson as the duly authorized representative. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Consideration of approving a liquor license
Timestamp: 0:57
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson
This is a new liquor license for Sweet Simone’s.
Furr moved to approve a third class liquor license for Sweet Simone’s LLC. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Furr, Sander, Hill, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Consideration of approving the Town Meeting Warning
Timestamp: 0:59
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson
Arneson reported there will not be a lunch now. The Selectboard has been word-smithing this several times.
Wood moved to approve the Warning to the 2025 Town Meeting as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Furr, Sander, Wood, Hill in favor. Motion approved.
Update on statewide municipal code of ethics and consideration of appointing an Ethics Liaison
Timestamp: 1:05
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson, Hill, Furr, Wood, Holt
Arneson explained that the new statewide Code of Ethics went into effect on January 1, 2025, and he initially thought this was going to replace the Richmond Code of Ethics for everybody. But right now, the Richmond Code of Ethics applies to Selectboard members, all Committee members, Department heads, all Town employees, and everybody in Town. However, the Statewide Municipal Code of Ethics applies only to members of the municipal legislative bodies, municipal quantity judiciary bodies, advisory budgetary committees, members, auditors, building inspectors, cemetery commissioners, chief administrative officers, tax collectors, department heads, first constables, listeners, assessors, town clerks, treasurers, matters, department heads, moderators, planning commission members, road commissioners, town City Managers, trustees, Trustees of the public funds and water commissioners. The State has suggested adopting the Municipal Code of Ethics from the State for everybody in Richmond. The other thing to note is that the State Municipal Code of Ethics doesn't have a complaint and enforcement section, but Richmond does have that in our current policy. Arneson continued that if it’s the wish of the Selectboard he would rewrite our policy to copy and paste the State policy and ask our attorney for best advice on how to make that happen, and then we follow that with the complaint and enforcement section that we currently have, which we just reviewed in August of 2023. Hill agreed that the policy should cover everyone. Furr asked if the policy would cover volunteers? Arneson agreed it may be a good idea to have volunteers sign such a waiver. Arneson stated exists online training for this. Wood pondered if it would be reasonable to require all Committee members to complete the training. Arneson said that an Ethics Liaison should be decided upon. Wood wondered how much time such a position would take. Furr looked up the rules and found that an existing Selectboard member or Town employee could be a liaison. Holt mentioned that he recently submitted an Ethics Complaint, and he feels strongly that there needs to be a transparent way to track how complaints are being investigated and it’s important to keep track of who receives the training. Additionally, he feels it’s vital to have clear instructions on how to submit complaints. Holt continued that Towns could make changes to the State policy if they so choose; Arneson replied that at this time Richmond feels using the State policy is the easiest.
Furr moved to appoint Josh Arneson as the Ethics Liaison. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, Warrants
Timestamp: 1:24
Hill moved to approve the draft Minutes of 01/06/25 as presented. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Wood moved to approve the draft Minutes of Special Selectboard on 01/07/25 as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Wood, Hill, Furr, Sander in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved to approve the draft Minutes of Special Selectboard on 01/13/25 as presented. Furr seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Wood, Hill, Furr, Sander in favor. Motion approved.
Motions for Purchase Orders:
Wood moved to amend purchase order #4950 to $123,066.86 for gravel for emergency road repairs. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Wood moved to approve the Warrants as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Wood asked what the IRS penalty for $10 was related to, which Arneson explained was a penalty incurred from a reduced fine for a 941 and a 941 b4 being in the same envelope.
Next Meeting Agenda
Timestamp: 1:31
Code of ethics
Furr moved to find that premature knowledge about a personnel issue would cause a town or person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Furr moved that we enter into executive session to discuss a personnel issue under the provision one, VSA, 313 and invite town manager Josh Arneson into the session. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Furr moved to exit the executive session. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Furr moved to adjourn. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at: 10:17 pm
Chat file from Zoom:
00:24:41 Jeff Forward (He/Him): There also needs to be an effort towards pay equity for staff in both towns.
00:40:24 Jeff Forward (He/Him): If you want to invite the Hinesburg and Richmond legislators, someone should commit to doing so. Maybe instruct Josh?
00:41:43 Jeff Forward (He/Him): Invite to the Public Safety Forum that is.
00:55:32 Caitlin Filkins: Did we confirm that in addition to those legislature conversations that we will also put the letter we got back regarding the map and the wording in front of Terry? Just want to make sure we’re also taking that step to try to avoid a more immediate expiration of that letter.
01:01:20 Brendan Filkins: Approve!
01:03:54 Jeff Forward (He/Him): No pie?
01:35:54 Caitlin Filkins: Update on Fire Department assessment?
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Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
TUESDAY January 21, 2025
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT.
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 894 0448 4447 Passcode: 891937
7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM 2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
a) Reminder of public hearing on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7pm for the Cochran Rd. Corridor and Scoping Study exploring traffic calming and bicycle & pedestrian usage on Cochran Rd (5 min)
b) Announcement of hiring a police chief and update on police hiring # (10 min)
c) Discussion of shared police chief services with Hinesburg (10 min)
d) Update on Williston Community Justice Center funding # (10 min)
e) Update on status of Notice of Intent for the Southview Stormwater Permit # (10 min)
f) Consideration of approving a raffle fundraiser for the Fourth of July celebration* # (10 min)
g) Consideration of approval of submitting a grant application for the Emergency Watershed Protection program* # (10 min)
h) Consideration of approving a liquor license* # (5 min)
i) Consideration of approving the Town Meeting Warning* # (5 min)
j) Update on statewide municipal code of ethics and consideration of appointing an Ethics Liaison* # (10 min)
8:30 PM 4. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, and Warrants*
a) Minutes of 1/6/25
b) Minutes of 1/7/25
c) Minutes of 1/13/25
8:40 PM 5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
8:45 PM 6. Possible Executive Session
8:50 PM 7. Adjourn
Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet