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Water and Sewer 2/18/25

  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025
    PM – 7 PM

Water and Sewer Commission


Water and Sewer Minutes 02-18-25 166 KB

Approved on: Monday, March 3, 2025

Printable version

Water and Sewer Minutes 02-18-25 166 KB

Web version

Town of Richmond

Special Meeting of Water and Sewer Commission

Minutes of February 18, 2025

Members Present: Erin Farr, Bard Hill, Morgan Wolaver, Lisa Miller

Members Absent: Jay Furr

Staff Present: Superintendent Steve Cote; Town Manager Josh Arneson, Assistant to the Town Manager Duncan Wardwell, Finance Director Connie Bona.

Others Present: The meeting was recorded for MMCTV Erin Wagg.

MMCTV Video: MMCTV Erin Wagg

Call to Order: 6:00 pm

Welcome: Farr

Public Comment: None

Additions or Deletions to the Agenda: None

Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders

Timestamp: 0:01


People who participated in discussion: Farr

Miller moved to approve the Minutes as written on 02/03/2024. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Farr in favor. Motion approved.

Miller moved to approve the Minutes as written on 02/10/2024. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Farr in favor. Motion approved.

Purchase Orders: None


Hill moved to approve the Warrants as presented. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Farr in favor. Motion approved.

Discussion of the FY24 Q4 quarterly financial reports
Timestamp: 0:02

People who participated in discussion: Arneson, Cote, Bona, Hill, Farr

Arneson explained that some unanswered questions about the financial audit that was completed remain, in addition to explaining the negative $297,000 that was discussed at the last meeting. Bona had explained last week that there were some expenses that were not yet included as well as some cash, she created an excel spreadsheet to help give a better explanation to the budget audit. Arneson explained some of the income and expenses that were not included last week. Cote asked about an expense to VMERS, which Bona answered that this was related to net inflows and outflow coming directly from VMERS, it's not money that has been physically spent. Hill and Farr wondered if footnotes would make this easier to understand. Arneson addressed the $297,000 deficit by stating that it came from $48,000 unbudgeted water meter installations, $159,000 emergency repair of the press, $123,000 spent on the 20-year study which will be mostly reimbursed and nearly $20,000 for various cleaning, all this came out of the Wastewater Capital Reserve. Hill wondered if yet unpaid water bills could be counted as revenue, to which Bona said they essentially are. Farr asked if the new water meters will allow users to autopay their water bill. Arneson suggested having another meeting regarding the budget on March 10, 2025 at 6 p.m.

Update on installation of water meters

Timestamp: 0:39

People who participated in discussion: Farr, Cote

Cote believes they will be nearly finished with water meter installations by the end of March. They have installed close to 260 meters. Some are in crawlspaces they cannot access until spring. For some of the larger meters he has had to hire plumbers to do the work, such as for Richmond Terrace, because those meters are larger and more complicated. Miller asked if they have the appropriate number of meters to finish the install and Cote replied some meters are 1” which will need to be special ordered since most of the meters are ¾”.

Review of water data for January 2025

Timestamp: 0:46

People who participated in discussion: Farr, Cote, Hill

On the 15th of January they installed a cellular based water system that Cote or any of the other guys have access to through an app. They will be able to adjust pH and chlorine or fluoride levels with the app, he can view what is going on at the plant at any time. He believes they will implement specific times to pump to save power at off-hours. The chlorine is still too high, and he is unhappy with the current supplier because the drum barrel concentration isn’t consistent. Hill asked where Burlington gets their chlorine and Cote said from St Albans. He continued that the fluoride numbers needed to be bumped up a little.

Superintendents Report

Timestamp: 0:55

People who participated in discussion: Cote

Plant is running well and the new water system is allowing him to pump at off hours.

He is excited to allow customers to go onto the water meter app and look at their own usage. A one-time fee must be paid before the app will be in use for customers.

Discuss Items for Next Agenda:

Move logo discussion to next meeting


Miller moved to adjourn. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Wolaver, Hill, Farr, Miller in favor. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned at: 6:59 pm

Chat file from Zoom: 

00:45:09          morganwolaver:          This is Morgan. I’m OK with March 10th.

Printable version

Water and Sewer Commission Agenda 2-18-25 83 KB

Web version

Town of Richmond Meeting of the Water and Sewer Commission

TUESDAY, February 18, 2025

    Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online: 

Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099       Meeting ID:    852 9165 7110    Passcode:  486775


6:00 PM    1. Welcome and Public Comment
6:02 PM          2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to the Agenda

6:05 PM    3. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, and Warrants*
a.    Minutes of 2/3/25 and 2/10/25

6:10 PM    4. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a.    Discussion of the FY24 Q4 quarterly financial reports # (25 min)
b.    Superintendent’s Report (5 min) 
c.    Discussion of Water Resources Department Logo public outreach (10 min)
d.    Review of water data for January 2025 # (5 min)
e.    Update on installation of water meters (2 min)

6:57 PM    5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda and Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment.
If you would like to schedule a time with the Commission or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call 
Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or
Links to videos of Water and Sewer Commission meetings can be found at
Documents related to this meeting can be found at:
*denotes action item # denotes item(s) included in packet