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Selectboard 11/18/24

  • Monday, November 18, 2024
    PM – 9 PM



Selectboard Minutes 11-18-24 145 KB

Approved on: Monday, December 2, 2024

Printable version

Selectboard Minutes 11-18-24 145 KB

Web version

Town of Richmond
Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of November 18, 2024

Members Present:   Adam Wood, Bard Hill, David Sander, Jay Furr, Lisa Miller

Absent: None

Staff Present: Josh Arneson, Town Manager;Duncan Wardwell, Assistant to the Town Manager; Linda Parent, Chief of Police Anthony Cambridge.

Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, American Institute of Architects John Linn, Tess Storrs (Parks Committee), Daniel Hayes, Jeanne Goslin, Bobolink, Martha Nye, Jeanne, Bonnie Steuer, Julie Welkowitz, Trevor Brooks, JP, Ian Bender, Brendan Filkins, Gaitan and Genny, Rachel, Dorian, Martha Crannell, Chuck Crannell, Matt Cohen, Paige Kaleita, Connie van Eeghen, Fran (Roundchurch), Cath Burns, Ernie Buford, Kristens iPhone, Nick, Jeffrey Reyome, Virginia Clarke, Patty Brushett, Sarah Heim

MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg

Call to Order: 7:02 pm

Welcome by: Sander

Public Comment:

Furr stated that Friday Food Affair had almost 200 meals distributed, which is amazing. Sander thanked election poll workers for their service on election day.

Additions or Deletions to Agenda:  None

Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

Discussion of results of the Special Town Meeting that was held on November 9, 2024, to vote on the process to approve the annual budget and to vote on the establishment of a Special Projects Reserve Fund
Timestamp: 0:02

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Furr

Furr stated that he was dismayed that the vote to move the budget to Australian ballot was 63 to 58. He and Arneson had discussed if there were other items that should be moved to Australian ballot. Articles 1 and 2 were accepted to be moved to Australian ballot. Article 3 was also accepted 78 to 27, by voice vote. Hill stated that a question was posed “why does the Town even entertain discretionary funding to separate organizations?” And why don’t we favor organizations that are based in Richmond. Arneson added that by putting it on Australian or paper ballot, it prevents any adjustment by voice vote at a Town Meeting. Hill continued that at least a couple of times in his history of Town Meetings, budget items have been adjusted by voice vote at the meeting. During Covid the budget was voted on using paper ballot.

Reminder of the Monday, December 9, 2024 Special Selectboard meeting for discussion of the FY26 Budget
Timestamp: 0:09

Arneson conjectured that it would be a good idea to add another Special Meeting to discuss the budget on November 25, at 7 p.m. No one contested this idea.

Consideration of transferring funds to Special Projects Reserve Fund
Timestamp: 0:10

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson,

At the Special Town Meeting it was voted to allow the Selectboard to transfer up to $795,287 from the general fund to the Special Projects Reserve Fund.

Wood moved to transfer $795,287 from Unassigned Funds to the Special Projects Reserve Fund. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Police Chief Cambridge to provide update on increased number of thefts
Timestamp: 0:12

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Cambridge, Furr

Chief Cambridge reported that there's been an increase in both towns [Hinesburg and Richmond] and in the surrounding areas of car break ins and car thefts. Recently in one night, we had a car stolen in Richmond and three taken in Hinesburg, one being an RV. The week before that, we had a school bus taken. These are crimes of opportunity and drug related; they are looking for change or something they can sell. In past years we could pinpoint one particular person or group of people who committed such crimes, now it’s a whole number of different people. Furr queried if the school bus had been located, to which Cambridge said yes and the RV as well, which had been stolen by the same individual looking for a place to sleep. Cambridge warned the community really needs to start locking their doors at night and stop leaving their keys in the car.

Update on the no parking zone on West Main St. located between the entrances to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church and Richmond Family Medicine
Timestamp: 0:17

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Miller, Furr, Goslin

Arneson explained that our best bet would be to paint stripes, which VTrans will permit. VTrans said no to jersey barriers or cones, as well as having a yellow curb. Arneson will have to submit an 1111 Permit to the State before striping can be painted. We don’t know if we have the authority to tow cars yet. Miller stated that we asked for “No Parking” back when the area was paved, but now we want more. Cambridge iterated that his officers are giving warnings and will escalate to tickets before resorting to towing. He feels there has already been a positive change with less people parking between the two No Parking signs. Furr stated that the church has requested heightened enforcement on Saturday afternoons, before, during and after mass. Goslin wondered if any tickets had been written and could enforcement increase on Sunday mornings also. Cambridge said that no tickets had been issued since this is a change in the parking of that area, warnings need to be written first to give people a chance to comply.

Update on delay of Hinesburg Rd. Speed Study

Timestamp: 0:23

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill

Arneson informed that CCRPC had started to collect some more data on Hinesburg Road to try to have a speed study for us in the middle of the winter. They had trouble with the speed tubes that they place on the roadway and had to move them, this caused a delay and now they are unable to complete such a study because of the winter months. Hill stated that this is the way forward before a speed limit can be raised or lowered.

Review of eligibility determination letter from the Emergency Watershed Protection program
Timestamp: 0:25

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill, Welkowitz, Hayes

Arneson elaborate that the EWP program looks at rivers and streams that imminently threaten private structures, septic/leach fields, wells, or access roads into or out of a private property. We had around 40 properties looked at by EWP conservation engineers in September 2024. There were about 8 sites that were approved for this program. The homeowner must be willing to pay 25% of the total repair if approved. Hill read off the approval letter that most of the properties were denied because it was not an imminent threat to a property. Welkowitz asked if there was an appeal process for this. Arneson stated he would ask the engineers. Hayes explained that several of his neighbors had read the denial letter and were upset. Arneson reiterated that it must threaten a structure and if repair work was already completed by any property owners, this would make them not be eligible.

Review of letter to residents regarding stormwater permitting for Southview, Hidden Pines, and Mary Dr.
Timestamp: 0:32

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill

Anderson stated that this was one last look at the letter before it gets sent out. Hill added that he had met an angry resident in Richmond Market, who was clearly angry and disappointed that this letter had not yet been forthcoming. But as Josh just described, the letter is also predicated on a map that is accurate and complete. Arneson went over the letter and a current map. Sander said that we are still waiting for an updated map from the State. Arneson does not want to send out a letter that is not clear.

Update on Fair and Impartial Policing Policy
Timestamp: 0:36

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hill, Miller

Arneson explained that what it came down to was about six words in parentheses in one portion of the policy, which allowed officers to communicate citizenship and immigration status to federal authorities. Migrant Justice would like to see that removed. That was not in our policy from 2021 and the Vermont Criminal Justice Council (VCJC) has stated that if we submitted the current suggested policy, it would be rejected, and we would be underneath their model policy. Arneson and Cambridge attended a meeting with VCJC, and all voiced the opinion that the Town would like to be able to strike those words from the model policy. We did not come away from that meeting with a clear answer and this is still under review. Miller wondered if there was a deadline to submit a new policy and Arneson answered that we could submit it whenever.

Consideration of approving six applications for home buyouts as part of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Timestamp: 0:41

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Hayes

Miller moved to approve submitting applications for the home buyout program for 257 Bridge St, 41 Red Barn Ln., 42 Red Barn Ln., 23 Jones Mill Rd., 176 Lily Pond Circle, and 99 Esplanade St. Wood seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Hill mentioned that people can still back out of a buyout if they change their mind. Arneson said that yes, people in a buyout can back out the day of the closing. Hayes wanted to know if this money was already allotted to Vermont Emergency Management (VEM), because he is worried about the new administration in January. Arneson said that the money is perhaps allocated, but it is not yet set aside for the Town of Richmond, for that to happen the projects have to be accepted by FEMA and VEM.

Consideration of setting a date for a public hearing for proposed Zoning Amendments creating two new zoning districts; Village Residential Neighborhoods North (new section 3.11) and Village Residential Neighborhoods South (new section 3.12), introduction of Residential Density (new section 6.14), and amend Sections 6.1, 6.13, and 7 and including changes requested by the Selectboard at their 10/7/24 Public Hearing to align the regulations with Act 181
Timestamp: 0:45

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Miller, Wood

Miller mentioned that the Selectboard has chewed on this thing long enough that probably all the substantive issues have come up. Wood commented that the most dramatic changes are not at the behest of the Planning Commission but are new State law.

Furr moved to set a date of Monday, January 6, 2025 at 7pm for a public hearing for proposed Zoning Amendments creating two new zoning districts; Village Residential Neighborhoods North (new section 3.11) and Village Residential Neighborhoods South (new section 3.12), introduction of Residential Density (new section 6.14), and amend Sections 6.1, 6.13, and 7 and including changes requested by the Selectboard at their 10/7/24 Public Hearing to align the regulations with Act 181. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of hiring an architect to design a layout for Volunteers Green recreation facilities
Timestamp: 0:48

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Wood, Linn, Furr

Wood said that the rate that John Linn (AIA) is offering the Town is great and to iterate that he is grateful to Linn. Linn replied he is excited to get started. Sander said that this was a 50% discount for architecture work for Volunteers Green. Furr wanted to know where the funds would come from for this, he did not think it should come from the Special Projects Reserve Fund, which the other members concurred with.

Furr moved to approve the use of up to $3,000 in funds from the Special Projects Reserve Fund to pay for a design for Volunteers Green. This funding will not come from the $550,000 set aside for improvements in the parks. Wood seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of submitting an application to the Development Review Board for a site plan review for Browns Court
Timestamp: 0:51

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Storrs

Arneson said Wardwell has been helping to submit the paperwork to DRB when it’s ready. Even if we don't get on the board until January, it still gives us plenty of time to get construction for pickleball courts by the spring. Storrs said she was there on behalf of the Parks Committee, she asked who would be presenting in front of the DRB Arneson or Wardwell, and that she would be available if necessary. Arneson stated that the paperwork needs to go to the Town’s Zoning Administrator Tyler Machia first for approval. She wanted clarity on the rules of signage for the pickleball courts. The appeal process is 30-days Wood added.

Wood moved to approve submitting a site plan for Browns Court to the Development Review Board. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Miller nay. Furr, Hill, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of re-naming the Committee to Explore Path Funding to better depict that the Committee is exploring funding for a bicycle and pedestrian path between the Village and the Riverview Commons neighborhoods

Timestamp: 1:03

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Wood, Furr

Wood asked how many were on this Committee, to which Arneson replied 3. They have met a few times. Hill wanted to know why the name needs to be changed. Arneson said it was to make it clearer where the path would be and what the committee was doing. Furr doesn’t like that the name is so long and descriptive, and that this could set a precedent for other committees to want long names. Hill stated that the endpoint of this path has changed, and it’s unclear if it goes to the Park & Ride or to Riverview Commons. Wood and Furr wanted the Committee to create a better name. Since no one from the committee was present, they are being asked to present a better name to the Selectboard. Hill said that it’s not clear what this Committee is supposed to be doing.

Consideration of entering into an agreement with Northstar Fireworks for 4th of July Fireworks

Timestamp: 1:11

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson, Furr

Furr reiterated that this company does excellent work and the Town has used them before, but that they are cutting back and it is imperative to get our order in soon, including a deposit. Miller mentioned again that drone shows are a lot more expensive but environmentally safer and better for pets and less noise and so on. Hill wondered if this should be mentioned at a Town Meeting, the idea of having a drone show instead of fireworks. Miller said contributions from the residents could be asked for.

Furr moved to approve the agreement with Northstar Fireworks for a Fourth of July fireworks show, Purchase Order Number 5151 to Northstar Fireworks for $15,000, and the warrant for the payment for the fireworks. Wodd seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Update on not being awarded a Municipal Energy Resilience Program grant

Timestamp: 1:16

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Wood

Wood said we are not in an energy burden community and we did not qualify.

Consideration of setting a date for a Special Selectboard Meeting for a public meeting for the kickoff of the Flooding Mitigation Scoping Study

Timestamp: 1:18

People who participated in discussion:  Sander, Arneson

Arneson explained that this is the first kick-off meeting to discuss things we can do to avoid more flooding. Three dates were suggested. December 3 at 7 p.m. was chosen.

Wood moved to hold a Special Selectboard Meeting on Dec 3, at 7 p.m. at the Richmond Free Public Library to receive public feedback on the Flooding Mitigation Scoping Study. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Consideration of approval of Errors and Omissions on the Grand List

Timestamp: 1:22

People who participated in discussion:  Sander

Sander read an excerpt from the report.

Furr moved to approve the 2024 Grand List Errors and Omissions report and the Errors and Omissions Certificate: Homestead Classification Change Only. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Furr, Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, Warrants

Timestamp: 1:23


Furr moved to approve the Minutes of 11/04/24 as presented. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill abstain. Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Furr moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Selectboard Meeting on November 12, 2024. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Wood abstain. Furr, Miller, Sander, Hill in favor. Motion approved.

Motions for Purchase Orders:

Miller moved to amend Purchase Order number 4950 to Hinesburg Sand for material for emergency road repairs to the amount of $114,754.02. Hill seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Wood moved to approve Purchase Order number 4910 to Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District for FY25 Second Quarter Education Taxes in the amount of $2,201,760.72. Miller seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Hill, Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.

Next Meeting Agenda

Timestamp: 1:26

Path naming committee

Update on DRB permitting on Browns Court

Buyouts, are there any remaining


Furr moved to adjourn. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Furr, Miller, Sander, Wood, Hill in favor. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:33 pm

Chat file from Zoom:

00:32:26          Julie Welkowitz:         Is there any appeal process for that?

00:39:36          pkaleita:           Is there a timeline for when the engineering study will be done?

Printable version

Selectboard Meeting Agenda for 11-18-24 79 KB

Web version

Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard            November 18, 2024

Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT. 
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone

Join Zoom Meeting Online: 

Join by Phone:  +1 929 205 6099            Meeting ID:      894 0448 4447        Passcode: 891937

7:00 PM    1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM    2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM    3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a)    Thank you to poll workers for their service on the November 5, 2024 election day (5 min)
b)    Discussion of results of the Special Town Meeting that was held on November 9, 2024, to vote on the process to approve the annual budget and to vote on the establishment of a Special Projects Reserve Fund # (10 min)
c)    Reminder of the Monday, December 9, 2024 Special Selectboard meeting for discussion of the FY26 Budget (5 min)
d)    Consideration of transferring funds to Special Projects Reserve Fund* (5 min)
e)    Police Chief Cambridge to provide update on increased number of thefts (15 min)
f)    Update on the no parking zone on West Main St. located between the entrances to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church and Richmond Family Medicine (5 min)
g)    Update on delay of Hinesburg Rd. Speed Study (5 min) 
h)    Review of eligibility determination letter from the Emergency Watershed Protection program # (5 min)
i)    Review of letter to residents regarding stormwater permitting for Southview, Hidden Pines, and Mary Dr. # (10 min)
j)    Update on Fair and Impartial Policing Policy # (10 min)
k)    Consideration of approving six applications for home buyouts as part of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program* # (5 min) 
l)    Consideration of setting a date for a public hearing for proposed Zoning Amendments creating two new zoning districts; Village Residential Neighborhoods North (new section 3.11) and Village Residential Neighborhoods South (new section 3.12), introduction of Residential Density (new section 6.14), and amend Sections 6.1, 6.13, and 7, and including changes requested by the Selectboard at their 10/7/24 Public Hearing to align the regulations with Act 181* # (10 min)
m)    Consideration of hiring an architect to design a layout for Volunteers Green recreation facilities* (5 min)
n)    Consideration of submitting an application to the Development Review Board for a site plan review for Browns Court* # (5 min)
o)    Consideration of re-naming the Committee to Explore Path Funding to better depict that the Committee is exploring funding for a bicycle and pedestrian path between the Village and the Riverview Commons neighborhoods* (5 min)
p)    Consideration of entering into an agreement with Northstar Fireworks for 4th of July Fireworks* # (5 min)
q)    Update on not being awarded a Municipal Energy Resilience Program grant # (5 min)
r)    Consideration of setting a date for a Special Selectboard Meeting for a public meeting for the kickoff of the Flooding Mitigation Scoping Study* (5 min)
s)    Consideration of approval of Errors and Omissions on the Grand List* # (5 min)

9:10 PM    4. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders and Warrants*
a)    Minutes of 11/4/24
b)    Minutes of 11/12/24
9:20 PM    5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda 
9:25 PM    6.  Possible Executive Session 
9:30 PM    7.  Adjourn
Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at
​​​​​​If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email  Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item  # Indicates documents in the packet