Selectboard 2/18/25
February 18, 2025
7PM – 9 PM
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Town of Richmond
Selectboard Meeting
Minutes of February 18, 2025
Members Present: Bard Hill, Adam Wood, David Sander, Lisa Miller
Absent: Jay Furr
Staff Present: Town ManagerJosh Arneson;Assistant to the Town ManagerDuncan Wardwell, Town Clerk Linda Parent, Finance Director Connie Bona, Planning Director Keith Oborne.
Others Present: MMCTV Erin Wagg, Bradley Holt, June Heston, Caity Filkins, Matt Parisi, Jane D, rlow, Jason Pelletier, Melissa Wolaver, Mike Donoghue, Trevor Brooks, Karen Yaggy, Sam Pratt, Chelsye’s iPhone, David Sunshine, Chase Rosenberg Trails committee, Wright Preston ACF Committee, Brad Elliott Conservation Commission, Rachel Ciancola, Karin Ward.
MMCTV Video: Recorded by MMCTV by Erin Wagg
Call to Order: 7:02 pm
Welcome by: Sander
Public Comment:
Arneson stated that Police Chief Cambridge was supposed to start on 2/18 but will now start on 2/23.
Parisi wanted to move the Agenda around to have the ethics case heard earlier, to which Arneson said it may be difficult to do because people may be logging on later specifically for that agenda item. Wood suggested that they move through the prior agenda items swiftly.
Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
Reminder of Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and the informational meetings Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM
Timestamp: 0:03
People who participated in discussion: Sander
Arneson reminded people that the Budget is being voted on by Australian Ballot this year and you have to request an early ballot or go to the Town Clerk’s Office during open hours to vote early. Otherwise, all voting will take place at Camel’s Hump Middle School on Town Meeting Day, Tuesday March 4th between 07:00a to 7:00 p.m.
Announcement of Retirement Party for Town Clerk Linda Parent on Wednesday, February 19 at Stone’s Throw from 5 – 7pm
Timestamp: 0:05
People who participated in discussion: Sander
The public is invited to come and thank Town Clerk Linda Parent for her service of over 30 years. There will be cake and pizza.
Discussion of transition of duties from current Town Clerk to newly elected Town Clerk
Timestamp: 0:06
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Arneson
Arneson stated that both candidates expressed wanting to have Parent stay on for four weeks to help them learn the job and have a smooth turnover.
Hill moved to approve the Document Concerning the Extension of Town Clerk Linda Parent’s Employment. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Discussion of next steps for the Andrews Community Forest Trail Plan
Timestamp: 0:09
People who participated in discussion: Rosenberg, Hill, Miller, Preston, Elliott, Wolaver, Pratt
Rosenberg stated that the ACF Committee wanted to know if the Selectboard is interested in receiving a trails plan, that they would vote on which would then allow the Trails Committee to move forward or if the Selectboard would prefer to have an entire management plan submitted by ACF Committee for approval, where the trails plan would be included. Hill asked how such a plan would be presented to the Selectboard, because prior management plans included distinct parts of the whole which supported each other where the trails plan was included. Rosenberg replied that a trails plan would make an impact on other parts of the management plan, and the trails plan is contentious at this time. Miller suggested going from a general overview of a plan to the specifics of a plan. Presently the ACF committee is divided on how to get started by putting together an entire management plan. Rosenberg thinks the trails plan should be created first. Hill believes the ACF is an ecosystem, and all parts of a management plan are important, such as the wildlife stewardship plan, a preservation plan, forestry management plan, as well as the trails plan, each part affects the other. Preston believes they are making progress on an entire management plan that would drive the trails plan, and he reiterated that they do have a current management plan. Elliott stated that any new trails cannot be approved unless the entire management plan is revised and approved; he added that the wildlife plan is only a concept. He feels that a new management plan should drive a trail concept plan. Wood said he understands why the Trails committee is frustrated because the trails plan still isn’t completed after more than 6 years. Hill concurs and understands that a deadline might help move things along, balancing everyone’s interests is important. Wood suggested revisiting this with the ACF committee to present a draft plan at the June 2 Selectboard. Pratt asked if all ACF committees should make their comments before the June 2 meeting. Wolaver cautioned that the management plan spans over 20 pages and will take time to go through.
Consideration of approval of the request to close of a portion of Cochran Rd. on Saturday, May 17, 2025, for the Children’s Bike Ride portion of the Richard’s Ride event
Timestamp: 0:39
People who participated in discussion: Hill, Ciancola, Ward
Ward explained that they only need the road closed between 11:00a to 1:00p. Hill asked about previous years and Ward answered that this event has happened for eight years and everyone who live on Cochran Road are notified in advance, and the Police help for safety and to close the road. Around 200 people participate in the event. It’s their biggest fundraiser of the year.
Wood moved to approve the closure of Cochran’s Rd., from Cochran’s Ski Area to Dugway Rd., from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, on Saturday May 17, 2025, for the Children’s Bike Ride portion of the Richard’s Ride event. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Consideration of setting a date for a public hearing for amendments to the Flood Hazard Overlay District in the Richmond Zoning Regulations
Timestamp: 0:44
People who participated in discussion: Oborne, Arneson, Miller, Wood
Oborne stated that he is trying to set a date for a public hearing by the Selectboard to move park equipment down on Volunteer’s Green. Wood wondered how long the meeting would take, to which Oborne replied perhaps 30 minutes. Miller said nothing new is really being discussed so it should be pretty straight forward.
Wood moved to hold a Public Hearing for amendments to the Flood Hazard Overlay District in the Richmond Zoning Regulations on April 7, 2025, at 7pm. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Consideration of appointing a Selectboard Member to serve on the subcommittee for the development of the Town Plan
Timestamp: 0:47
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Oborne, Hill, Wood
Oborne continued that he is trying to create a steering committee that would oversee the Town Plan, and he thinks it is important that a Selectboard member would serve on such a committee. Hill said after Town Meeting Day the Selectboard members may be different, so perhaps this decision should be pushed until after Town Meeting Day. Wood agrees that someone from the Selectboard should serve on this subcommittee.
Follow up on complaint of ethics violation
Timestamp: 0:52
People who participated in discussion: Arneson, Hill, Wood, Sander, Miller, Sander, Holt, Parisi, Chelsye
Arneson summarized what transpired at the previous meeting regarding a DRB ethics violation complaint. Since then, he reached out to the Vermont State Ethics Commission and the Town’s attorney regarding this. The State felt that the question of recusal doesn't center on the definition of an official act, the question is whether the official has a direct or indirect interest in the outcome of a particular matter pending before the officer on the officer's public body. If so, then recusal must be complete. Complete means that the official has no further involvement in the issue, which would include even informal conversations about the issue with the remaining decision makers. The Town’s attorney agreed that this had not been a formal proceeding. Miller concurs this makes it not an official act. Hill stated that the Vermont State Ethics Commission is quoting Statewide Municipal codes that went in effect Jan 1, 2025, and this complaint is from December 2024. Miller said moving forward all discussions at the DRB need to require members to be more open about any sort of conflict of interest. Wood said conflict of interest can be interpreted differently by different people, it’s important to be transparent and mention at the beginning of any meeting if there MAY be a conflict of interest. Sander said even if a small conflict of interest may exist it should be mentioned and discussed. Parisi claims he did have his hand-up during the DRB meeting in question and mentioned his possible conflict of interest. Holt suggested that training regarding ethics and conflict of interest should be completed by all people serving on committees as well as Town employees. He continues to state that Parisi had a hidden, undisclosed interest and he feels the video and the meeting minutes are conflicting; he added that the Selectboard needs to think about what sort of message they are sending with their decisions. Miller pushed back and said that people are allowed to see the video or read the minutes and make their own judgments, that no meeting minutes will be 100% correct. Hill thinks holding committee members accountable is wise and the State training which is available online is a good idea. Wood concurs and wants to make the ethics training mandatory; it’s a 45 min training online. Chelsye appreciates the conversation but wants a more definitive decision and action by the Selectboard. Wood was curious as to what exact action she was looking for from the Selectboard. Hill stated that writing specific rules for all boards and commissions in the Town would be impossible. Miller commented that most people who do unethical things stand to benefit from it. Wagg said she has been filming meetings for a long time and has seen people recuse themselves quite often in other meetings.
Consideration of setting a hearing date for the FY26 Capital Plan
Timestamp: 1:31
People who participated in discussion: Arneson, Miller, Wood
Arneson stated this has been discussed previously. Miller wanted to know how long the meeting needs to be warned to which Arneson said 15 days. Arneson thinks it will take an hour or more. Wood asked about removing Engine1 for the Fire Dept’s budget, which Bona pointed out is currently not on FY26 budget. Wood said the Fire Dept sorely needs a jaw of life. Filkins likes where the budget discussion ended last time.
Wood moved to set a hearing date of Monday, March 17, 2025, for the FY26 Capital Plan. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Review of requests by Town Center tenants to renew their lease
Timestamp: 1:38
People who participated in discussion: Hill, Arneson, Wood
Hill asked for some changes to be made to the leases. Wood asked what happens when the Town Center is ready for renovations, to which Arneson speculated that then renters would need to be warned to move out. Arneson will make adjustments and bring this back at the next meeting.
Consideration of reducing the number of members on the Town Center and Library Buildings Committee
Timestamp: 1:41
People who participated in discussion: Wood
Wood said it’s supposed to be a committee of 7 members, but they have only filled five of the seats for quite some time, with no new interest.
Hill moved to reduce the size of the Town Center and Library Buildings Committee from seven members to five members. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander in favor. Wood abstains. Motion approved.
Consideration of approving liquor licenses
Timestamp: 1:44
People who participated in discussion: Sander, Miller
Miller said the Mobil station is quite successful and access to pumps and parking is getting quite full.
Wood moved to approve an Outside Consumption Permit, a First-Class Liquor License, and a Third-Class Liquor License for LJM Enterprises Inc. D.B.A. Papa McKee’s Pizza. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Wood moved to approve a Second-Class Liquor License for Summit Stores LLC, D.B.A. The Barn North / Mobil Station. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Consideration of approving the 2025 Certificate of Highway Mileage
Timestamp: 1:48
People who participated in the discussion: Arneson
Arneson said this is something we do anyway, but Route 2 gains 0.033 miles because of the new bridge. This has to be in by the 20th February. This doesn’t affect State funding for roads.
Hill moved to approve the 2025 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Update regarding posting roads in spring
Timestamp: 1:53
People who participated in the discussion: Sander
A letter from the State of Vermont regarding posting roads to overweight trucks during mud season has been received. It states that the rule must be filed with the Selectboard and posted in two public places.
Consideration of approving changes to the Discretionary Funding Policy
Timestamp: 1:54
People who participated in the discussion: Arneson, Hill
Arneson said this has been discussed before and he displayed the suggested changes. Hill believes agencies receiving funding should be required to report what the money will be or was used for. Arneson will make those changes.
Consideration of approving the Certificate of No Appeal or Suit Pending for the 2024 Grand List
Timestamp: 1:57
People who participated in the discussion: Arneson
The Assessor has completed the Grand list for 2024. Arneson suspects some property values may change or be appealed in 2025 due to the 2024 flood.
Hill moved to certify that there are no appeals or suits pending related to the April 1, 2024 Grand List. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders
Timestamp: 1:59
Miller moved to approve the draft Minutes of Selectboard on 02/03/25 as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Wood, Sander in favor. Motion approved.
Miller moved to approve the draft Minutes of Selectboard on 02/08/25 as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Wood, Hill, Miller, Sander in favor. Motion approved.
Miller moved to approve the draft Minutes of Selectboard on 02/10/25 as presented. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Wood, Sander in favor. Motion approved.
Purchase Order Motions
Wood moved to approve purchase order number 4913 to Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District in the amount of $2,201,760.72 for education taxes. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved to approve the Warrants as presented. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Items for next Agenda
Discretionary spending
Ethics policy
Rental agreements for Town Center
Executive Sessions
Update on Police Department hiring
Hill moved to find that premature public knowledge about police department hiring would cause the Town or the person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved that we enter into executive session to discuss police department hiring under the provisions of 1 VSA 313(a)(3) of the Vermont Statutes and to invite Town Manager Josh Arneson into the executive session. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved to exit Executive Session. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Discussion of personnel issue
Hill moved to find that premature knowledge about a personnel issue would cause the Town or person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved that we enter into executive session to discuss a personnel issue under the provision of 1 VSA 313(a)(3) of the Vermont Statutes and to invite Town Manager Josh Arneson into the executive session. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved to exit Executive Session. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Evaluation of a public officer
Hill moved to find that premature knowledge about the evaluation of a public officer would cause the Town or person to suffer a substantial disadvantage. Wood seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved that we enter into executive session to discuss the evaluation of a public officer under the provision of 1 VSA 313(a)(3) of the Vermont Statutes and to invite Town Manager Josh Arneson into the executive session. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Hill moved to exit Executive Session. Miller seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Miller moved to adjourn. Hill seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Furr abstain. Hill, Miller, Sander, Wood in favor. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at: 10:44 pm
Chat file from Zoom:
00:03:56 matthew parisi: I would if possible thanks
00:04:54 morganwolaver: This is Melissa Wolaver using Morgan’s computer for the attendance
00:13:11 Linda Parent: there will be a town meeting at 10 am on town mtg day.
00:21:59 morganwolaver: Our committee did not take a vote on which way to proceed
01:03:09 Chelsye's iPhone: Those are ministerial acts.
Also it is written to be behind other members in the community.
01:04:50 Chelsye's iPhone: It isn’t the responsibility of the residents of Richmond to police for this either.
I think it’s important to recognize that those who should understand and adhere to it most are members of board and committees.
01:40:16 Caitlin Filkins: I think where we landed on the trucks, with the information we have today, was good for this year for this budget approval.
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Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard TUESDAY February 18, 2025
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT.
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone
Join Zoom Meeting Online:
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 894 0448 4447 Passcode: 891937
7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM 2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
a) Reminder of Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 and the informational meetings Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7 PM # (5 min)
b) Announcement of Retirement Party for Town Clerk Linda Parent on Wednesday, February 19 at Stone’s Throw from 5 – 7pm (5 min)
c) Discussion of transition of duties from current Town Clerk to newly elected Town Clerk* # (10 min)
d) Discussion of next steps for the Andrews Community Forest Trail Plan # (10 min)
e) Consideration of approval of the request to close of a portion of Cochran Rd. on Saturday, May 17, 2025 for the Children’s Bike Ride portion of the Richard’s Ride event* # (10 min)
f) Consideration of setting a date for a public hearing for amendments to the Flood Hazard Overlay District in the Richmond Zoning Regulations* # (5 min)
g) Consideration of appointing a Selectboard Member to serve on the subcommittee for the development of the Town Plan* (5 min)
h) Follow up on complaint of ethics violation # (10 min)
i) Consideration of setting a hearing date for the FY26 Capital Plan* # (15 min)
j) Review of requests by Town Center tenants to renew their leases # (5 min)
k) Consideration of reducing the number of members on the Town Center and Library Buildings Committee* (5 min)
l) Consideration of approving liquor licenses* # (5 min)
m) Consideration of approving the 2025 Certificate of Highway Mileage* # (5 min)
n) Update regarding posting roads in spring # (5 min)
o) Consideration of approving changes to the Discretionary Funding Policy* # (10 min)
p) Consideration of approving the Certificate of No Appeal or Suit Pending for the 2024 Grand List* # (5 min)
9:00 PM 4. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders, and Warrants*
a) Minutes of 2/3/25, 2/8/25, and 2/10/25
9:10 PM 5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
9:15 PM 6. Executive Sessions
a) Update on Police Department hiring
b) Discussion of personnel issue
c) Evaluation of a public officer
10:00 PM 7. Adjourn
Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at
If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet