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Conservation Commission 2/11/25

  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025
    7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Conservation Commission


RCC Minutes 02-11-25 205 KB


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RCC Minutes 02-11-25 205 KB

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MINUTES February 11, 2025


Present:  Kit Emery, Bob Low, Sam Pratt, Daniel Schmidt, Susanna Zeveloff

Pubic: None present

Minutes: Bob Low

Additions, amendments to Agenda:

  • TimesINK article: BioFinder Comes to Richmond.
  • Approved as amended to indicate New and updated tool. Bob will submit.
  • For future discussion:
  • Coalition-building with other Conservation Commissions given current political climate / loss of federal funding: CRF as a buffer.
  • Invasives management: Tackling Invasives Together: VLT / CISMAs in Vermont:


  • ACFC (Sam).
  • Two meetings to report; last one yesterday recognizing need for extra meetings to complete Management Plan (MP).
  • Ian had provided his initial pass on MP revisions, assigned subsections to ACFC members to edit for full Committee discussion.
  • Much time spent on technical issues – good progress.
  • Discussion with Tyler Machia regarding Zoning requirements for trail approval.
  • Continued discussion whether to tackle MP and Trail Plan simultaneously or sequentially (MP first): unresolved. Suggestion to ask Selectboard its opinion.
  • On site walk-through scheduled for this Friday with new County Forester, Brendan Benedict.
  • Nothing yet for RCC to do but expect will be asked for input when redraft of MP completed.
  • Old Jericho Road.

BioFinder Training debrief

  • Tabled for discussion when Jeanette Malone present.
  • TimesINK article to be submitted by Bob

Update on climate change project with UVM – Susannah

  • Organizing Meeting planned for 2/12/25, if Zoom can be arranged: purpose to discuss Richmond needs with Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux. Others involved in setting up a UVM student Climate study include Bob Low, Susannah, Richmond Trails Committee, Amy Seidel, RAFT.

Save our Salamanders Supplies

  • Previously circulated proposal from Jeanette Malone for CRF funding of materials / supplies (e.g. safety cones, amphibian collection containers, signage).
  • Request amount resolved to be $600, providing leeway for price / item changes (e.g. signage posts).
  • Discussion of specific items and potential need for a budget amendment if there are changes to items listed in proposal.
  • Discussion of need for police help. Issues include multiple sites involved, last minute scheduling. Should keep on the table asking for police support for a major event involving multiple volunteers.
  • Motion approved 5-0-0:

The Richmond Conservation Commission recommends that the Selectboard approve up to $600 in Conservation Reserve Funds to cover the cost of additional safety and herp collection gear, as described
in the Richmond Save Our Salamanders Network proposal dated February 11, 2025. The total cost is $441 dollars but does not include taxes and shipping, so we are asking for up to $600 to include those costs. The request meets CRF criteria A1-A5 and B4 and B5, as enumerated in the proposal, as related to providing access to and preserving recreational opportunities and conserving an important natural resource. These funds must be expended within 3 years of the date of final approval.

RCC role in Town Plan Renewal

  • Issue: Charge from Planning Commission (PC) charge to submit RCC responses to Implementation charges, response overdue according to initial correspondence. PC has now indicated a March response would be OK.
  • Discussion of discrepancies between Implementation list provided last fall and 2018 Town Plan posted as of 02/10/25, confirmed by Town Planner.
  • Discussion of Excel Spreadsheet Bob has put together based on currently posted 2018 Town Plan. Includes columns responding to PC request for progress: Completed, No Longer Relevant, Working On, Difficulty, New.
  • Bob added a new column, Accomplishments, as a summary of what actions RCC actually has taken, for some reason not requested by PC.
  • Discussion of importance of looking over the entire Implementation list in the currently posted 2018 Town Plan, to determine if there are Implementation tasks that were assigned to other Suggestion that these be added to spreadsheet as new items for future consideration.
  • Next steps:
  • Bob will circulate the Spreadsheet he has put together, including entries in response to PC request and accomplishments. Included will be a description of how the Implementation list was developed by him.
  • Everyone asked to edit / add entries and send to Dan for compilation / consolidation by time certain: 2/28/25, giving Dan time to compile before next RCC meeting, 3/11/25.
  • Goal: have a compiled response for PC completed at its March RCC meeting.

Adjourn: 9:30PM

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RCC Agenda 02-11-25 70 KB

Web version

Meeting agenda, Tuesday February 11, 2025 at 7:30 PM

As of December 2022 the RCC will meet in person at the town offices with a virtual presence. 
You can join us in-person at the Town Offices 3rd floor, or online using the link below or by calling in. You may use the “Join By Phone” number to call from a cell phone or landline. When prompted, enter the meeting ID provided below to join by phone. Please contact Josh Arneson at 802-434-5170 or at or Judy Rosovsky at 802-324-3473 or at with any questions on how to join this meeting.
Time: Tuesday February 11, 7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting Online:  
Meeting ID: 871 4103 3771
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Please note that times are approximate.

7:30 p.m. Public introductions and comments 

7:35 Appoint minutes taker and approve/amend December minutes. 

7:45 Additions, amendments to agenda 

7:50 Updates:

Update from ACFC (Sam Pratt)
Update on Old Jericho Rd – consider meeting with Callie and Josh and CC representatives again

8:10 Conservation Design/BioFinder training – Debrief
    Consider making map to show helpfulness and send to relevant town committees
8:25 Update on climate change project with UVM
    Any response from Bob’s contacts?

8:35 Review supplies for upcoming Save Our Salamanders activities
    Please note the RCC is keeping this as a pilot project in 2025

8:50 RCC role in Town Plan - continued discussion

9:20 Matters arising

9:25 Adjourn