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Winter Parking Ban

Posted Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Richmond Town Traffic Ordinance

There is no parking “On any TOWN HIGHWAY, or within any TOWN HIGHWAY right-of-way this includes SIDEWALKS, between the hours of 12 o’clock midnight and 8 o’clock am during the period of November 1 of each year to April 1 of the following year in such a manner as to interfere with the prompt and orderly removal or plowing of snow, or the sanding and salting of the highways.”

“In any municipal parking space between the hours of 12:00 am midnight and 6:00 am, during the period from November 1 of each year to April 1 of the following year, in such a manner as to interfere with the prompt and orderly removal or plowing of snow, or the sanding and salting of the public parking space.”

Any Time During the Year
No person shall park any vehicle:

“On any TOWN HIGHWAY within 15 feet of the curb line of another TOWN HIGHWAY or state highway.  There will be no parking within any INTERSECTION.”

“On the traveled portion of any TOWN HIGHWAY, or within the TOWN HIGHWAY right-of-way, or in any space hereinafter designated by the Selectboard as an area where there shall be no parking.  Upon doing so, the Selectboard shall cause to be conspicuously placed a suitable sign prohibiting parking in and near the areas affected by the provisions of any regulation adopted pursuant to this section.”

Any vehicles violating these ordinances will be towed at owner’s expense.

These ordinances are a portion of the Town of Richmond, Vermont Traffic Ordinance – Parking Regulations