Project Announcement and Upcoming Construction Public Meeting
Williston VT 2A and Industrial Ave Project [Williston STP 5500(17)]
DATE: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
PROJECT OVERVIEW: The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is reconstructing the 0.7-mile segment of Vermont Route 2A (VT 2A) from Meadowrun Road to just south of River Cove Road, including its intersection with Industrial Avenue and Mountain View Road, to enhance safety and mobility for all users.
The reconstruction of VT 2A between Meadowrun Road and River Cove Road will include roadway widening, milling, paving, the installation of new stormwater treatment, bioretention, and infiltration systems, new traffic signals, curb, sidewalk, pavement markings, signs, street lighting, and landscaping.
A major highlight of the project will consist of the reconstruction of the intersection of VT 2A and Industrial Avenue/Mountain View Road to accommodate an additional left-turn-only lane on Industrial Avenue, an additional through lane on VT 2A northbound, and a left-turn-only lane on Mountain View Road. The new traffic signal system will enhance bicycle and pedestrian facilities at the intersection.
In October 2024, VTrans awarded the construction contract of $8,277,670 for the Williston VT 2A Project to Engineers Construction, Inc (ECI), based in Williston, Vermont.
In early April, ECI is expected to mobilize their equipment to the project area, install temporary erosion control devices and project delineation fencing, remove trees and stumps according to the contract plans. Major construction activities are anticipated to begin in mid-April, with ECI starting reconstruction work on Industrial Ave and progressing through their schedule with a projected completion date of fall 2026. Work will be performed on weekdays during daytime hours. Significant traffic impacts are expected to facilitate construction activities, including lane shifts, road closures with short detour routes, and lane reductions with alternating one-way traffic during off-peak hours.
During construction, the project team will issue weekly Construction Updates and supplemental Traffic Alerts to keep the public informed about upcoming construction activities and impacts. Major milestones and events will also be communicated through Project Updates and Announcements.
PUBLIC MEETING:VTrans invites you to attend a Construction Public Meeting for the Williston VT 2A and Industrial Ave Project on Monday, March 17, starting at 6 PM.
Join us in person at the Williston Central School, located at 195 Central School Drive, Williston, VT 05495 or remotely via Zoom.
Zoom link:
To dial in by phone, please call: 1-305-224-1968
Meeting ID: 838 0868 6657
The Construction Public Meeting will feature a presentation comprised of a project overview, high-level construction schedule, anticipated traffic impacts, and ways to stay informed throughout construction. Following the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask the project team questions and provide comments.
VTrans ensures that all public meetings and locations are accessible to the public. VTrans provides reasonable accommodations and language assistance free of charge to fully participate in any public meeting. To request accommodations, please call (802) 595-6955 or email AOT.CRTitleVI@. Requests should be made as soon as possible, preferably seven business days before the meeting.
Please make requests to:
Title VI Coordinator
VTrans Civil Rights Bureau
219 North Main Street
Barre, VT 05641
Phone: 802-595-6959
Email: AOT.CRTitleVI@