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Volunteers Green and Browns Ct Project Community Feedback Meeting 10-22-24

  • Tuesday, October 22, 2024
    6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Volunteers Green and Browns Ct Project Committee

Web version

Community Feedback Meeting Flyer

For more information contact:  kziskie4@ or dbbcuts@  

October 22, 6:30-7:30 PM

Volunteers’ Green, Brown’s Court, Round Church Green committee is researching improvement projects for Volunteers’ Green Park using American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) money that is earmarked by the Town for recreation. Specifically, we are looking at how we can improve, repair and/or replace the following structures at Volunteers’ Green. Our goal is to make these items more resilient during future flood events as well as making the structures more accessible to all members of our community.

Background: The playground at Volunteers’ Green has not been updated since its original construction in the
early 1990s. The playground is at the end of its life. There are sections that are becoming unsafe according to
the Vermont League of Cities and Town inspection reports. The Planning Commission is working through the
changes to the Zoning regulations that will allow the town to replace the existing older playground with new
materials and relocate it to the higher ground so long as the footprint remains the same.
Should the town…
1. Rebuild a new playground in the current location.
2. Move the playground to the higher plateau area.
It is expensive to repair the playground after each
flood. While the plateau area is still in the flood zone, that area has only had water reach the top one
time in recent memory. The playground would require a fence. Grass would be installed where the
playground is currently, and the Farmer’s Market would be held in the lower area.

Background: The bandshell was built in 1976 by a group of volunteers. The bandshell is currently used by the
Richmond Community Band and the Farmers Market. Local organizations rent the bandstand for various
events. The bandshell needs significant structural repairs and is not accessible for people with mobility issues.
It has recently been deemed unsafe by a local structural engineering firm.
Should the town…
1. Rebuild the current bandshell, keeping the same design while making it more accessible for people
with mobility issues.
2. Redesign the current bandshell to include a roof over the entire structure. Design for better airflow
and accessibility. The design could possibly include turning the opening to face the park area (if the
playground is moved).
3. Remove the existing bandshell and replace it with a new bandshell of the same size. This
bandshell could have a roof over the entire area and be designed to be more open for airflow as well as
more resilient to flood water.

Restrooms/Concession Stand
The current restroom building nearer to the ball fields contains two bathroom areas, a small janitor closet and a
concession stand area. The building was built to withstand floods, however, while the exterior brick has
withstood the flood waters, there has been significant damage to the interior with each flood. The plumbing,
stoves and the sheetrock have been replaced numerous times. The restrooms are not accessible to all as the
door is very heavy, has a high lip and the stalls are not handicap accessible. The concession room floods with
every event and needs significant work to make it sanitized and clean. The interior sheetrock has been
replaced numerous times.
Should the town…
1. Keep the building where it is and modify the restroom area to make it more accessible to all.
Maintain the concession stand.
2. Eliminate this building and build a restroom on the higher plateau area.
3. Remove restroom building and use “deluxe” porta potties that could be moved when flooding is
