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Transportation 9/27/22

  • Tuesday, September 27, 2022
    5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Transportation Committee


Draft Minutes 9-27-22 Richmond Transportation Committee 161 KB

Approved on: Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Printable version

Richmond Transportation Committee Agenda 2022.09.27 78 KB

Web version

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Meeting ID: 874 9138 0245
Passcode: 303372


5:30 PM Revisions to Agenda
5:33 PM Approve Minutes from September 13 meeting
5:35 PM Follow up from September 19 Selectboard Meeting
a. Phase 2: Ped & Bicycle Master Plan – South End
b. Transportation Committee Update
5:50 PM Discuss Capital Plan and FY24 Budget Recommendations
6:20 PM Follow up on discussions regarding the Bridge Street/Railroad Street/Jolina Court intersection
6:30 PM Update on Walkability Study Report
6:45 PM Review committee recommendations for use of ARPA funds
6:55 PM Old and New Business
7:00 PM Adjourn