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Richmond Western Gateway Scoping Study 11/1/22

  • Tuesday, November 1, 2022
    PM – 7 PM

Richmond Western Gateway Scoping Study

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Richmond Gateway Corridor Kickoff Meeting
6pm, November 01st 2022

Online & In Person @ Richmond, VT Town Hall
Meeting ID: 815 8481 2248
Passcode: 195656
1. Introductions:
a. Project Staff:
i. Ravi Venikataraman, Richmond
ii. Bryan Davis, CCRPC
iii. Dayton Crites, D&K
iv. Chris Yuen, D&K
b. Project Steering Committee
i. Allen Knowles (Transportation Committee rep)
ii. Linda Parent (Cemetery Commission rep)
iii. Jean Bressor (Trails Committee rep)
iv. Gary Bressor (Richmond Land Trust rep)
v. Gretchen Muller (Schools rep)
vi. Are we missing anyone?
2. Project Communications
a. Consultant<->CCRPC/Town<->Steering Committee
b. Monthly Meetings: 6pm 1st Tuesdays? 1st Wednesdays?
3. Project Scope Review
a. What do you want this study to do for Richmond?
b. What are potential pitfalls for this project?
4. Project Background
a. VTrans Paving Progress - latest news?
b. Current Scoping to address “pinchpoints” - Progress/Updates?
c. 2014 Pathway Scoping Study - To expand to River Road / Riverview Commons.
d. “The Bressor Option”
e. What else?
5. Next Steps
a. CCRPC GIS Data Package Coordination
b. Basemaps of Existing Constraints
c. Public Engagement Planning:
i. Focus Groups - Riverview Commons, School, Cemetery, Others?
ii. Public Review Meeting - Timing / Focus / Approach?