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Gardening 6/12/23

  • Monday, June 12, 2023
    PM – 8 PM

Gardening Committee


Gardening Minutes 06-12-23 110 KB


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Gardening Minutes 06-12-23 110 KB

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Gardening Agenda 06-12-23 101 KB

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Town of Richmond
Gardening Committee Agenda
Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7 PM
Volunteers Green Bandshell

This is a meeting of the Gardening Committee to:
-Nominate Chair and Vice Chair
-Evaluate the state of the Garden at the Town Green, are there plants there that can be salvaged? What can we do in 2023 to clean it up? Does it need to be an area considered for more substantial work in spring 2024?
-Evaluate the concrete planters. Can they be filled with annuals? How will we water them? Confirm with Pete Gosselin where the closest water source is before the meeting and make sure the planters are staying in the parking lot revamp.
-Set next meeting
This meeting will be in-person at the Volunteers Green Bandshell.