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Explore Path Funding 09/26/24

  • Thursday, September 26, 2024
    PM – 9 PM

Committee to Explore Path Funding

Printable version

ExplorePathFunding Agenda 09-26-24 52 KB

Web version

Town of Richmond   
Committee to Explore Path Funding 
Thursday September 26, 2024 Meeting, 7-8:30 pm 
Richmond Town Center Meeting 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street   

Meeting may also be joined online or by phone 
Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID:  819 5500 2932
Passcode: 215176
Find your local number: 
Welcome and Public Comment

Additions or Deletions to Agenda

Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

-1- Basic meeting schedule (currently 4th Thursday of the month)

-2- Code of Ethics 

-3- Select Chair and Minutes responsibilities

-4- Brainstorm basic topics for future meetings 

Agenda Items for Next Meeting
