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Andrews Community Forest 5/20/24

  • Monday, May 20, 2024
    PM – 8 PM

Andrews Community Forest


ACFC Minutes 05-20-24 96 KB

Approved on: Monday, July 22, 2024

Printable version

ACFC Minutes 05-20-24 96 KB

Printable version

ACFC Agenda 05-20-24 79 KB

Web version

Andrews Community Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 20, 2024 - 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Location: Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf.  Room C, 3rd Floor, 203 Bridge Street.
Meeting will be held in person but may also be joined online or by phone

Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 829 8821 4175
Passcode: 255304
Join by phone: 1 929 205 6099
Find your local number: 

Agenda (* denotes item in ‘packet’)

a. 6:00-6:15 pm Standing Items - 15 minutes:
•    Start recording Zoom and unmute, speakers on. 
•    Roll call and confirm Quorum; Welcome and identify public in attendance.
•    Appoint time-keeper and minutes taker 
•    Minutes of April 29th, 2024 meeting*
•    Additions/Changes to Agenda
•    Public Comment Period
Note:   Chairperson may recognize Public Comment period of each Agenda item.
(Public in person please move to the table with microphones and identify themselves).

b.  6: 15 pm Updates (25 min)
- Open Meetings rules about subcommittees  - (Daniel) 
- ACFC Bylaws change regarding RCC, RTC representatives and quorum – (Daniel)
- ACFC Website page – (Brad)
- Wildlife stewardship meeting – (Chase)

c. 6:40 pm Vision statement – (Brad) (25 min)

d. 7:05 pm Hot spots discussion continued* – (Julian) (25 min)

e. 7:30 pm Management plan revisions and timeline – (Daniel) (25 min)
Wildlife Stewardship work group. (*)
Combined TSP and CMP subcommittees’ document.

f. 7:55 pm Confirm future meeting schedules: (June 24th, July 22nd, Aug 26th, 2024) 

Entertain Motion to Adjourn

Attachments (Packet)
(a) ACFC Draft April 29th  Meeting minutes – “ACFC Minutes 04-29-24.pdf”
(c) Vision and Mission statements “Vision - Mission statements 5-11.pdf” 
(d) Challenges questions.  “ChallengesQuestions.pdf”