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Vacancies on Town Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Apply to serve on the town’s boards, commissions and committees!

The Richmond Selectboard is seeking volunteers to join their neighbors on the following Boards, Commissions and Committees, beginning in June. Further information is available via e-mail – dwardwell@  or by calling Duncan Wardwell, Assistant to the Town Manager at (802) 336-2092. Information and the application can be found here:

Vacancies on Town Boards, Committees, and Commissions (or scroll down to view list)
Click to view SHADED terms that are EXPIRING in 2024 or currently VACANT

APPLICATION (use .pdf or online form)

Appointment-Application-Committees (.pdf)
Appointment-Application-Committees (online form)

Please submit your application to: Volunteer Search, P.O. Box 285, Richmond, VT  05477, by email to or by placing it in the drop box outside the Town Office by 
•    April 10, 2024 for most committees, unless another date is specified below
•    Water & Sewer Commission applications are due May 31, 2024.
•    Development Review Board (DRB) applications are due by May 15, 2024.
•    Andrews Community Forest Applications for Conservation Commission Representative and Trails Committee Recommendation are due by March 8, 2024.
•    Delinquent Tax Collector applications are due by February 28, 2024 for Selectboard appointment after Town Meeting Day.

Applications will then be reviewed by the respective committees, with the exception of the DRB which will not review applicants prior to appointment by the Selectboard.  The Selectboard will make appointments to the ACFC at their April 15 meeting for terms to begin in May.  The Selectboard will make appointments to other committees at their May 20 meeting for terms to begin in June. Selectboard will consider appointments to vacant positions throughout the year.

View SHADED terms that are EXPIRING in 2024 or currently VACANT: 

Water & Sewer Commission – Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6pm. (TWO 2-year terms, seats to be filled by people who are customers of the water and/or sewer system. A customer is defined as a person who owns a property which is connected to the water or sewer system) letters are due May 31, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by the Water and Sewer Commission. The Selectboard will make appointments at their June 17, 2024 meeting for terms to begin in July. 

Development Review Board (DRB) – Meets 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm; (TWO 3-year terms and TWO Vacant-Alternate terms ending in 2026).  Letters are due by May 15, 2024. Applications will not be reviewed by the DRB. The Selectboard will make appointments at their May 20, 2024 meeting for terms to begin in June.  Conduct public hearings regarding most major land development and commercial projects and permit appeals.

Andrews Community Forest Committee – Meets 4th Monday at 6 pm; (ONE 3-year term, ONE 3-year term for a seat filled by a Conservation Commission representative, and ONE 3-year term for a seat filled by a Trails Committee recommendation. Applications for Conservation Commission Representative and Trails Committee Recommendation are due by March 8, 2024).  Provides general goals, objectives, and administrative details for the management of the parcel to the Selectboard.

ARPA Committee – Meets TBD; (FIVE 1-year terms, and ONE 1-year term for Business Owner seat).  Conducts community outreach and makes recommendations to Selectboard on how to spend the American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Conservation Commission – Meets 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 pm; (TWO 4-year terms).  Develop planning tools for local natural resources and working on proposals to utilize the conservation reserve fund.

Parking Advisory Committee – Meets 2nd and 4th Monday at 6-8 PM; (TWO 2-year terms).  Examines and works on improving parking for recreational activities.

Planning Commission – Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7 pm; (TWO 4-year terms). Work includes the major revision of zoning and subdivision bylaws.  

Recreation Committee – Meets on the 1st Tuesday at 7 pm; (ONE 3-year term, ONE Huntington Resident 2-year term, ONE Bolton Resident 2-year term, ONE Vacant term ending in 2026).  Overseeing and designing a variety of diverse recreational programs accessible to all residents.

Town Center and Library Building Committee – Meets on Thursdays prior to Monday Selectboard meetings at 6:30 or 7 pm; (ONE Vacant open-ended term).  This committee is focused on long term uses and capital projects for the Town Center and Library buildings.

Trails Committee – Meets on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm; (SIX 3-year terms, ONE Vacant term ending in 2026).  Develop and manage the trail and path network in Richmond, including making connections to neighborhoods. 

Transportation Committee – Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 5:30 pm; (THREE 2-year terms).  Focuses on transportation and parking issues. 

Gardening Committee – Meets TBD; (ONE Vacant term ending in 2026).  The scope could include maintenance of landscaping on Volunteers’ Green, Browns Ct., Round Church Green, and at Town welcome signs. Future scope may include creating a community garden on municipal property.
Housing Committee – Meets 4th Wednesday at 5:30 pm; (THREE 2-year terms, TWO Vacant-Alternate 2-year terms). Advises the Selectboard, the Planning Commission, the Development Review Board, and Town Staff on the housing needs of the Town of Richmond.

4th of July Parade & Fireworks Committee - Meets 3rd Thursday at 7 pm from January -August; (All interested persons please apply to 1-year terms) The Committee plans and conducts the Fourth of July fireworks and activities.

*Other Volunteer Openings:
-Deputy Town Health Officer:  1 opening for a 2-year term
-Service Officer:  1 opening for a 1-year term
-Animal Control Officer: 1 opening for a 1-year term
-Emergency Management Director:  1 opening for a 1-year term
-Energy Coordinator: 1 opening for a 1-year term
-Tree Warden: 1, 1-year term and 1 Deputy for a 1-year term
-Town Fence Viewer: 2 openings each for a 1-year term
-Inspector of Lumber, Shingles and Wood: 1 opening for a 1-year term
-Weigher of Coal: Multiple openings each for a 1-year term
-Richmond Rescue Board of Directors-Liaison/Representative: 1 opening for a 1-year term
-Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors:  1 opening for Alternate to fill a vacancy with term expiring in 2025.
-Delinquent Tax Collector:  1 opening for a 1-year term
-Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations Policy Board:  1 opening for a 1-year term 

Application may be viewed/downloaded at

All Committee and Board Members