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Richmond Western Gateway Scoping Study 4/4/23

  • Tuesday, April 4, 2023
    PM – 7 PM

Transportation Committee

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Gateway Scoping Agenda 04-04-23 214 KB

Web version

Richmond Gateway Corridor SC Meeting Agenda
6pm, April 4th 2023 - Online 
Meeting ID: 833 5427 3575
Passcode: 820383
1. Project management update
2. Public outreach update
a. Focus groups summary
b. Online/paper survey is live until 4/30
ii. paper copies at Richmond Free Library or Town Offices
c. FPF and Times Ink promotion
3. Planning for 4/10 public meeting
a. 7 pm at the Town Center
b. Hybrid
c. Format (presentation, breakout groups, etc.)?
d. Materials to bring?
e. Outreach
i. Riverview Commons?
ii. Posters in businesses?
4. Draft report update
a. Existing conditions
5. Other discussion